Artist * Name of the artist/band

Location Where was/is the band located?

Genre Example: Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, AOR

Active Active years (example: 1982-1986)

Website Enter URL if the band have a website or social media like Facebook

Members List all members you know have played in the band. If a musician have played in any other bands you know about include them as well (inside brackets).

Last Known Line-Up
Musician 1 - Vocals (Also played in band name)
Musician 2 - Guitar (Also played in band name 1, band name 2)
Musician 3 - Bass
Musician 4 - Drums

Former / Past Members
Musician 1 - Guitar

Biography A short or long biography about the band (in English or Swedish).
Include source if you have pasted it from another website.

Discography Please list all known releases by the band. Include format and year. It's OK to link to websites like Discogs or Metal Archives if their discography entry is complete.

Also make sure to submit the releases later by using the "release submission form".

Demo Title, Demo 1984 (Cassette)
EP Title, EP 1985 (Vinyl)
Album Title, 1986 (CD)

Photo A good quality photo of the band (preferably over 500px).

Logo A good quality image of the bands logo (preferably over 400px).

Media (Zip) Other media related to the band like mp3s, videos, photos, articles etc.
Zip or Rar packages are recommended for a large collection of material.

Your Name Your name or username (so we can thank you for the submission)

E-mail * Your e-mail (if we need to contact you for more information)

Notes / Sources Additional info and/or sources for images, biography, members etc (if any).

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