Added: 20 November 2016

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Backstage Queen (Swe)

Backstage Queen
Band Info
Backstage Queen
Sweden (


Hard Rock
Autumn 1988 - 1993
Markus Ryber - Vocals
Mikael "Owl" Håkansson - Guitar
Dan Lundberg - Guitar
Markus "Macke" Johansson - Bass (Underdog, Fatal Smile)
Niklas "Loppan" Johansson - Drums (When Mr Ordinary, Fatal Smile)
Former / Past Members
Lars Brandström - Vocals (T For Trouble, Pink Poetry, Mother Cockroach, Mojave Desert Band, Grandma Garfield, Solid Groove)
Mats Brandström - Guitar (T For Trouble, Pink Poetry, Mother Cockroach, Mojave Desert Band, Grandma Garfield, Catweezle, One Time Bluesband, Seeking Groove)
Petter "Peppe" Mattsson - Guitar (Underdog)
Formed october 1990 under the name Pistols & Flowers but changed name to Backstage Queen in 1992. The band had the song "The Broken Nail" featured on the 'Musikforum Återkomsten, 1992' compilation. They split in 1993 because of music difference.
Links / Sources
Albums (1)
Songs (1)
V/A Compilations
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