Added: 09 February 2012

Eureka (Swe)

Eureka (Swe)
Band Info
Sweden (


Heavy / Thrash Metal
1988 - 1994

Peter Wallgren - Vocals (DevilStone)
Jonas Wickström - Guitars (Angel Heart)
Per Wallgren - Bass (Syrus)
Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson - Drums (Syrus, Vomitory, God Among Insects, Torture Division, Timothy Griffiths' Psychedelic Sunrise, The Project Hate MCMXCIX)

Former / Past Members:
Ronnie Österberg (DevilStone)
John Lundqvist

Heavy Metal band from Forshaga, Sweden, formed in 1988 by Peter Wallgren and Ronnie Österberg (both now in the heavy metal band DEVILSTONE ), in this early stage a handful of different members came and went and the line-up was of rather loose character. After a while Per Wallgren and Tobias Gustafsson from the more established heavy metal band SYRUS joined the band as well as the guitar ace John Lundqvist.

In August 1991 Jonas Wickström (ex-ANGEL HEART) replaced John Lundqvist and this line-up recorded a four track demo in 1992. At this point EUREKA had a lot of gigs in their part of Sweden, among them the first "Arvikafestivalen" in 1992, but as the Death Metal scene escalated in the early 90s EUREKA found it hard to compete with the more extreme acts, and the group disbanded in 1994.
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