Added: 08 December 2011

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Highbrow (Swe)

Highbrow (Swe)
Band Info
Sweden (


Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
ca 1976-1982/1983?, 2020
Official Website

Eddy Malm - Vocals (Heavy Load, Eddy Malm Band, Malm, Swedish Metal Aid, Challenger)

Staffan Bane - Guitar (Dave & the Mistakes)

Lars "Lasse" Walmann - Guitar (Walmann Combo)

Per Hesselrud - Bass (Eddy Malm Band, D.I.Y, Bosse, Ignition, D.I.Y, Nattugglorna, Grand Pop Station, Shock The Monkey)

Mikael "Micke" Kerslow - Drums (Eddy Malm Band, Vagabond, Black Paisley, Suzzies Orkester, Johan Wahlström Band, Myrra, Shock The Monkey)

Former / Past Members
Dave Nerge - Vocals (Dave Energy, Dave & The Mistakes, Dave Nerge's Bulldog, The Boogie Kings, Yale Bate (guest), Svullo (guest), Pugh Rogefeldt (guest), Mats Ronander (guest), Louise Hoffsten (guest), Gösta Linderholm (guest))

Michael "Mike Lestadt/Bacill" Uppman/Stork - Vocals, Guitar (Paradise, Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force, Explode, Xplode, Creozoth, Playground, Sex Shooter, Microvolts, Autocrash, Critical Mass, Tarmac, BaRock)

Lars Johan Yngve "Yngwie Malmsteen" Lannerbäck - Guitar (Silver Mountain, Steeler (USA), Alcatrazz, Burn, Powerhouse, Derek Sherinian, Sun Red Sun, MVP, Human Clay, Tone Norum, Radioactive, G3, Erika)

Staffan Persson - Guitar (Dave & The Mistakes)

Christopher Ståhl - Guitar (Power, Talisman)

Marcel "Marre" Jacob - Bass (Power, Talisman, Yngwie Malmsteen, Force/Europe, John Norum, Johansson Brothers, Billionaire Boys Club, Human Clay, Last Autum's Dream)

Eeero "Eric Birchisle" Koivisto - Bass (Heavy Load, Power, Red Baron, Warrior)

Bo "Bobo" Andersson - Bass (Glory Bell's Band, Tranze, The Rocker's)

Mats "Dalton" Dahlberg - Drums (Power, Dave & The Mistakes, Treat, Dalton, Speedy Gonzales)

Patrick Appelgren - Keyboards (Power, Talisman, Treat)
HIGHBROW was formed in the late 70's with the name idea from Bo Andersson. Their debut single 'Rock On" are most notable for being the record-debut of the rock legend Eddy Malm. Eddy departed to join mighty HEAVY LOAD in 1978 and was replaced by the american vocalist Dave Neerge. HIGHBROW released their 2nd single 'Love Light / Lucille' in 1979.

The guys had material for a whole album and the record company promised the moon why the guys ordered jackets with their logotype and painted a very, very big background board, 4 meters in diameter for their gigs. But on the other hand, the record company where focused, and had their priority on other bands at the time, which was a frustration for the guys. When the band replaced their vocalist in 1978, Bo took the opportunity and left the band and joined the rock band TRANZE where he met Franco Santunione, on drums, for the first time.

Info in English (translated from Hammer #5 1984)
HIGHBROW never became as big as HEAVY LOAD, but they were there, and managed by the inconvenience of a  heavy metal band to get a record deal the punk year -77. Perhaps it was before the record companies realized the difference between HM and punk? HIGHBROW consisted of Staffan Persson, who played guitar, Bobo who handled the bass, Eddy Malm who sang, Lasse Whalman on guitar and Mats Dahlberg beating the drums. The boys then released a single in 1978, at this time when punk was the big thing, the single became a real flop so any LP was never released. It also did not help that the record company, before the single was released, wanted to invest internationally. Eddy left the band in 1978 and became known as one of the members of HEAVY LOAD. The new singer in HIGHBROW became the american Dave Nerge.

The band got the chance to make another single, which unfortunately was not selling very good. HIGHBROW burst in 1979. Mats, Dave and Staffan formed DAVE & THE MISTAKES. Mats didn't like the sound of MISTAKES, so after a short time he jumped off and in 1980 put together by hand the third round of HIGHBROW, now with Christer Ståhl and Mike "Bacill" Uppman on guitar (later also vocals) and Eeero Koivisto (from HEAVY LOAD) on bass. The gang played together in this composition about a year. In 1981 it was time for the fourth and final set of HIGHBROW. This time it only lasted a couple of months and with Marre Jacob instead of Eero (who had formed RED BARON). Yngwe Malmsten replaced Chris Sthål but cooperation burst as almost immediately.

Mats continued his habit of forming a new band, namely POWER, now Marres bands. Mats then left POWER and went on to TREAT. TREAT was formed in -83, and is Leif Liljegren on guitar, Ander Wiklund who, likes Uriah Heep's old leader Ken Hensley plays guitar and keyboards, Robbie Englund on vocals, Tomas Lindberg on bass and of course Mats.

Info in Swedish (from Hammer #5 1984)
HIGHBROW blev aldrig så stora som HEAVY LOAD, men de fanns där, och lyckades med omaket att som hårdrocksband få ett skivkontrakt punkens år -77. Kanhända var det innan skivbolagen förstod skillnaden mellan HM och punk? HIGHBROW bestod av Staffan Persson som spelade gitarr, Bobo som hanterade basen, Eddy Malm som sjöng, Lasse Whalman som gitarrsolade samt Mats Dahlberg som slog på trummor. Killarna släppte alltså en singel 1978, och med tanke på att en hårdrocksingel inte säljer idag förstår ni kanse att den här, som kom -78, blev en verklig flopp. Någon LP blev det alltså aldrig, och överhuvudtaget gjorde HIGHBROW aldrig något väsen av sig på skivmarknaden. Det hjälpte inte att skivbolaget, innan singeln släpptes, ville satsa internationellt på bandet. 1978 drog Eddy och blev som bekant en av medlemmarna i HEAVY LOAD. Nye sångaren i HIGHBROW blev amerikanen Dave Nerge.

Bandet fick nu chansen att göra ännu en singel, som tyvärr inte heller sålde särklit bra. Efter den singeln hade det hunnit bli 1979 och HIGHBROW sprack. Mats, Dave och Staffan bildade tillsammans DAVE & THE MISTAKES. Mats tyckte dock att det spelades för mycket piå i MISTAKES, så efter en kort tid hoppade han av och 1980 satte hand ihop tredje omgången av HIGHBROW, nu med Christer Ståhl och Micke "Bacill" Uppman på gitarr (senare även sång) och Eero Koivisto (från Heavy Load) på bas. Gänget spelade tillsammans i den här sättningen ungefär ett år. 1981 var det dags för 4:e och sista uppsättning av HIGHBROW. Den här gången höll det bara i sig ett par månader och då var Marre Jacob med istället för Eero, som bildat RED BARON. Yngwe Malmsten ersatte Christer Sthål. Men samarbetet sprack som sagt ganska omgående.

Mats fortsatte sin vana trogen att bilda ett nytt band, nämligen POWER, som numera är Marres band. POWER har dock inte gjort någon skivinspelning. När Mats startat och därefter lämnat POWER gick han vidare till TREAT. TREAT spelar melodiös hårdrock och är ett av de senare band som kan ansluta sig till FVASHM. TREAT bildades -83, och det är Leif Liljegren på gitarr, Ander Wiklund som i likhet med URIAH HEEP's gamla ledare Ken Hensley spelar gitarr och klaviatur, Robban Englund på sång, Tomas Lind på bas och så förstås Mats. Bandet släpper snart sin debut-lp.
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