Added: 05 June 2012

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Kings N' Fools (Swe)

Kings N' Fools (Swe)
Band Info
Kings N' Fools
Sweden (


Hard Rock / Melodic Rock
1988 - present

Michael Löfgren - Vocals
Thomas Andersson - Bass
Pertti "Patrick / P.M." Hellala - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Janne Fernström - Drums
Gunnar Johansson - Keyboards

Info from Janne Stark's Encyclopdia
Formed in 1988. Kings n' Fools is a very good melodic hard rock band, slightly reminiscent of early Magnum. The band still exist today, but with Janne as the only remaining member. The style has also changed towards the heavier thrash vein. Janne is relatoed to famouse rocker Erik "Jerry Williams" Fernström.
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