Added: 20 July 2012

Margoth & The Jabs (Swe)

Margoth & The Jabs (Swe)
Band Info
Margoth & The Jabs
Sweden (

Danderyd, Stockholm

Female Fronted / Heavy Metal
Official Website
Margoth - Vocals
Per Alpne - Guitar (Mörbyligan, East-West, Åke Bylund Band)
Roger Jonsson - Bass (Mörbyligan, Åke Bylund Band)
Åke Bylund - Drums, Vocals (Mörbyligan, East-West, Chilly Chimes, Åke Bylund Band) R.I.P. (1948 - 2005)
Tomas "Json" Stendius - Drums (Mörbyligan)
MARGOTH & THE JABS was a project by MÖRBYLIGAN based in Danderyd, Stockholm. Åke wanted to make an english version of "Den Mäktige Thor" and this resulted in a 7" single with guest vocalist Margoth (last name?) released on the Audivision label in 1988. JABS are the last names of the 4 MÖRBYLIGAN musicians (Jonsson, Alpne, Bylund & Stendius).
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