Added: 22 April 2013

White Cat (Swe)

White Cat (Swe)
Band Info
White Cat
Sweden (


Melodic Hard Rock / Metal
1986 - 1989
Official Website
Magnus Hay - Vocals
Mikael Jansson/Åsberg  - Guitar
Tony Topp - Bass, Keyboards (Changes, Thomas R. Experiment, Ynot, Evol, Freddy, Temu)
Martin Larsson - Drums
The hard rock band WHITE CAT played together during the years 1986 - 1989, and was based in Vänersborg. During this time the band had a number of gigs. The band came second place at a rock competition arranged by Centerns Ungdomsförbund in Borås. On stage, they had long white coats with the emblem printed on the back. They were at one point even called AIDS doctors of a funny presenter before they entered the stage.

The band later had the opportunity to release a single called 'With You' through CUF:s Skivklubb. It was recorded during a weekend at Art Rec Studio in Gothenburg. Tony Topp laid down the synth-tracks and a number of people sang in the chorus in the title track, no one mentioned no one forgotten. The album was released in 4-500 copies and has even been found in Japan by collectors. The band split and some of the members played on other music projects. - written by Mikael Åsberg
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# FWOSHM 2014-01-23 16:04
Thanks to Mikael Jansson/Åsberg for all help with info.
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