4 tracks was choosen out of 16 recorded songs at Sunlight Studios, Stockholm.
Thanklist: Joakim Lindengren, Entombed, Unleashed, Achromasia, Morpheus, Hous of Kicks, Anders Hymen, Polish friends, Flotzilla, Peter Studio Z, Richard K, Janne Vig, Jocke "Lokalsinne" Wartwig, Catti "Big Tit" Johansson, Carina "Kiss My Car" Persson, Malin "The Wild One" Thor, Kari(n) Palvinen, Road Crew '91: Gälla "Anal Intruder" Gälsing, Jocke "Aitamanvikingbear" Johansson, Björne "Make Some Lööve" Bohman, Keijo "Ugly-Fucker" Virtanen, Jens "No-Fucker" Magnusson.
The complete recordings session included
1. Stupidity vs Violence
2. Last Chance & Wish
3. The Ffth Wheel
4. Fucknation
5. Backstabbing Evolution (ver.1)
6. Napalm Angel
7. Drowning
8. You Can´t Beat the Feeling
9. Disneyland
10. What Make Things Happen'
11. Backstabbing Evolution (ver.2)
12. Genital Rose
13. Domination Game & Mallice in Wonderland
14. Nothing Over the Sun
15. Moment of Thriumph
16. Outro