Second press with different artwork. Misspelled 'The Thruth' on spine and CD as well song 7 is titled "All the Thuth" instead of "All The Truth".
Also released on cassette (SPV 084-24802 MC).
Thanklist: Martin Andersson, Thomas Sinderby at Inpro Bild, Daniel Bryngelsson, Andreas Svensson, Håkan Walltin, Metalbox, Backstage, Gabriel Lilliehöök, Lennars Larsson, Studiefrämjandet, Thomas Bjurbäck, Moset Å De Goa Ägga, Mats Berggren at MB Electronics, Patrik Arnildstam, Kent Anrildstam, Kurt Johansson, Dr. Emil Shauffhausen and Ruprekt, Witchking, Berne at Huk, Patrik Nyström, Joakim Lindskog, Coma and Roland Hassel, Roys Korv in Brålanda (Korv Stroganoff), Tommy Denander and Kristian Sandkvist at Noble House Studio, Jonna for just being there, All we forgot, And all of them who suddenly became our friends.