Added: 18 November 2016

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Match (Swe)

Match (Swe)
Band Info
Sweden (


Garage Rock / Rock / Psych
19XX - ca 1972
Bengt "Benke/Palle" Palmqvist - Vocals, Guitar
Tony Dickman - Guitar
Olow Ericsson - Bass
Tony Karlsson - Drums R.I.P.
Info from "Who Will Buy These Wonderful Evils Volume III".
"We recorded a Rolling Stones track because they were our gods" says guitarist Tony Dickman. "We lived and smoked Stones in those days". Match mostly played school parties. "Singer Bengt "Palle" Palmqvist was the star of the band. Sadly our drummer died shortly after the release of this single and that was the end of Match"

Notes: The members were only 16 years old when the single was recorded.
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