A music video was recorded for the song "
I'm Still Kickin'", produced by Freak Kitchen bassist Christian Grönlund.
All songs by Schizophrenic Circus except "Get It On" (Bolan Essex AB).
All lyrics by P-O Saether
Mysterious voice on "Mother of Love" stolen from the movie Havanna.
Funny voice in "Getting Away" stolen from the movie Peter Pan.
Thanklist: Lena Graaf and the staff at Megarock Records, Janne Stark, Pia Linde (our voice on the radio), Jarmo "Dynamite" Mäkkeli and Danne Lindell (backing vocals on Want it), Magnus "Malas" Henriksson, Marcelo "Intenciones" Rodrigues, Jane Palm-Gold, Kent and Joey at Skivbörsen, Micke Eriksson, Daniel Green, Conny Carlsson, Louis at Caribe Club.
Jamil thanks: Batal-Wester, Camilla, Jonas, Marianne, Ghassan, Mats och Katrin m. tillskott, Edwin, Gunborg (för alla minnen), Mattias & Pelle, Mats, Jocke, Marino; Juan, Steppo, Peter & the rest, Nari "mumsbunten" Staniolpapper.
Magnus thanks: Marjo Ala-Poikela (for being the best, I love you), Glufsen and Mimmi (rock n' roll cats), The Engdahl, Ivarsson, Hansson, Persson and Ala Poikela families, Sonja Olsen, Thomas "Björnen" Willén, Magnus "jag är pappa nu" Pettersson, Patrik "Byhoran" Skarp, Elin "Rising Star" Forsgren, and the rest of my freinds, can't name ya all, but you know who you are.
Pelle thanks: Rosanna (love of my life and for being there when I wasn't), Fredrik, Therese and Jessica (my biggest fans), Mom (for just being a mom), Dad (I know you're watching, see you in heaven), Solveig (our spanish link), Ecke with family (all ya need is Austin, Tejas), Glen and Lotta, Sonja and Kent, Elisabeth Eliassen (keep up the faith) and of course Alesis.
Sven thanks: The Jensen family, Magnus Henriksson (for letting me borrow your gear), Danny at Borderline productions, Gitarrmakern Gothenburg (for good advice), Manko and Mug in Gothenburg, Claes Cornelius in Denmark, Supersound in Copenhagen, Denmark, Charles Bukowski, Hello to Björn. Jörn, Vidar, Jan and Freddy (still living in Tanum?), Sju över ände, Mylli and Lonnie Jofuckinghannes, California Red, Cato (I'm still payin' off your bills you know), No thanks to SJ to damned expensive tickets.