Rädda Barnens Musikprojekt 1998 is a collaboration between Pildammsskolan, Save the Children Malmö Association and the Swedish Church Studies Association. The music project is an individual upper secondary school program that belongs to Pildammsskolan in Malmö. The project consists of a teaching part and a music part. Within the framework of the project, music is used as a method to develop young people aged 16-20 to take responsibility, respect each other, cooperate and "grow as people". The concrete goal is this CD and that something has been learned during the time we have worked on this production. - Malmö in May 1998
Pelle Jernryd
Thomas Nyberg
Mikael Svennerbrandt
Tales From The Script thanklistJL Omen: My family and friends, Janne, Stellan, Kedris And The Rest Of The Persson Family. I also want to show my gratitude to Café Support, And Di Leva for his lovely hairdo.
MC Demon: All his real and imaginery friends, Beavis, Butthead, Pelle, Tomas, Micke, The Swedish King, B.B. King, Burger King, Elvis The King, Al Bundy, Ted Bundy, Bart And O.j. Simpson, Dragan And Dragovina.
All The Bands We Wish To Thank For Inspiration: Obscure Seance, Cult Disciples, Medea, Gargamel, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Ozzy, Michael Jacksson, Ishtar, Dark Funeral, Helloween, Manowar, Megadeath, Yngwie Malmsteen, (Bruce Springsteen The Boss), Dio.
F.L.C. thanklistVåra ledare Renegade, Freddy Kruger, Mac Gyver, Martini och "Hallo Hallo Ja" Flemming och alla andra som hjälpt oss på musikprojektet
Max: Mamma Pappa, mina syskon. Mina medspelare, alla kompisar, min kära flickvän Kajsa B.D., alla som ställt upp för mig, hela "Harlem" (Bellevuegarden) min H.V. Håkan Andersson and my dog Rocky.
Miriam: Mamma Ewa, Pappa Daniel, Brorsan Bempa, Min Vovve Floppy. alla kompisar som ställt upp och sist men inte minst Max & Ralph.
Ralph: Familjen, mina bandmedlemmar, Kajplats, Musikprojektet för allsuverän och proffsig utrustning, Limhamn o Bergaskolan och min kära flickvän Sandra Pessoa. F.L.C.
Gargamel thanklistMedea, Cult Disciples, Obscure Seance, Tales From The Script, All our? fans that have supported us through out the...
Bruno: Judas Priest, Hans D, Marcus Sj, Adriano S, Adam H, Carl H, B Pegreus, Linea X, Sussie, Jane D, A special thanks goes to mom. PS. If there are any sweet young ladies under 50 that are looking for a nice relationship, call me!
Eric Drake: All the members of the drake order: Byron, Blake, Keats, Xerxes, Luke, Kenny, Bibbi K, Linneá K, Lilian N, Maximilian D, Truls B, Alexandra, Micke "I Wish You Death" Hildesjö, And little fat Bruno Buneck.
Micke "Death" Hildesjö: Family & Loved Ones, Rectum Brunom, Eric Dork, Lucifer (Are You Still There), The Lindelöf Family, Television-"Teacher, Mother, Secret Lover", All my mates and some of their girlfriends, Stellan & Janne, Last and very least, God, for creating Sajtan.
Soul Shadow thanklistVi vill tacka alla våra vänner, vår producer DJ: Bull, våra sponsorer Michael J, Ginuwine för dans och Homer S för bra avslappning. Citadel för pulig mat...not! Göran Persson för inget, MacGyver (alias) Pelle, Mister my map is all I got (alias) Thomas, Rod Stewart (alias) Micke våra bra och trogna lärare. Hårdrockarna & co för bra klass kompisar vad ni nu heter. Oasis för att vara fula, våra (två) fans Bill och Bull. Sist men inte minst Gudfadern Papi Raul. Myrorna och Uff för scenkläder. Vår hälsorådgivare Svullo för att ha lagt in många långa kvällar på Mc Donalds. Kungen och Silvia. Tack ni som gav oss denna möjlighet att få skapa något eget.
Medea thanklistAmanda: RBMP 006(66), Pelle, Micke, Thomas, Peter, HenrikQuidy, Sanna-panna (bebis), Family, Juanito, the girls from the country, Möllevången Party People (Yeah), the people in all the other countries (Skippy), and everyone else of my friends. Byebye!!
Patrik: Gargamel (the shit-band), Tales from the Script, Obscure Seance, Cult Disciples, Janne Glugg (my girlfriend), all my friends and relatives, RBMP with teachers, Amanda (my ultimate bandmate), Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Accept, Pink Floyd etc. A special thanks to Café MFF Support and my B.C. Rich guitar. A special no thanks to all wimps and posers and pop that are possessing this world (fuck off).