Released by Mikael "Löken" Karlsson's label Fetvadd Records.
GREENSCAB infosGreenscab appears courtesy of Doodles Rec.
Produced by Jocke Täck & Greenscab 27-29 May 94 at Dundret in Malmö.
Thanks to: Roadcrew: Keller "Vad är problemen?" and Julle. Jesse and Åsa for photos, Oskar & Challe, for photo equipment, Robin Nielsen for mixing at concerts, Flegma "Ondast i stan", Liza G Head "You are soon as big as Helix", Satanic Surfers "Softpop?", Psychic Vampires - learn to drink booze, James Vance & The Facelifters and all other bands we know and have played with. All fanzines that have bothered to write about us and everyone else we know.
There is also an LP to buy with Greenscab under the name Doodles, "Mushroom T And The Misfits", for 70kr including postage from the address below.
Johnny Christiansen c/o Cronberg
Simrishamnsg. 17 B 214 23 MALMÖ
Ola Püshel 040-23 95 11
Recorded at Studio X-It, Eksjö.
Fixed and Mixed by Felix, Kimmo, Jimmy
Thanklist: Absolut!, Gudrun for all the waiting .UK.
Jocke Gustavsson
Nygatan 6
57532 Eksjö
STILL THE SAME infosWords & Music by Jimmy Karlsson, Mikael Karlsson
Recorded & Mixed at Ljudhuset, Sept/Oct 1994 by Axfors & S.T.S.
Layout: M. Karlsson
Thanklist: Mats Axfors
Mikael Karlsson
Fredsgatan 10
573 34 Tranås, Sweden
PADDINGTON infosRecorded & mixed spring 1994 by Mats Axfors and Paddington at Ljudhuset, Tranås
Photos & Layout: Erik Hellquist
Thanklist: Mats, Pirre, Erik H, Löken, Astrogösen, Slipson, Goddoj, Ynnoc, and half the city
Stefan Nilsson
Ö. Bergsgatan 4A
57336 Tranås
ATOMVINTER infosRecording done in the rehearsal room Autumn 1994
Atomvinter consisted of Micke, Andreaz & Christer during this recording.
Thanks to: Lunar Tantrum, Andrezs' mother, former members & Sven for incredible backing vocals on songs that were not included
C. Lindbladh
Gamla Stålebo
448 95 Tollered
MY ONION infosRecorded & Mixed by M. Axfors & M. Karlsson in Ljudhuset between Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec, 1994
All layout by M. Karlsson
Mikael Karlsson
Fredsg. 10
57334 Tranås, Sewden