Added: 01 February 2016

Marc Quee (Swe / Esp)

Marc Quee (Swe / Esp)
Band Info
Marc Quee
Sweden (

Stockholm, Spain

Melodic Hard Rock / AOR
Official Website
Marcelo "Marc Quee" Quiroga - Vocals (Reptile, Attentat Rock (Fra), Pink Rose (Fra), Viva (Ger), Queen Project, Rockstory (Esp), History Tenerife (Esp))

Yeray López Priegue - Guitar (Hybris (Esp), Schwarzwald (Esp))

Iván Ruiz - Guitar

Alberto Fuentes - Drums (Hybris (Esp), Heyzer (Esp))

Marcos Jesús Jiménez Marrero - Keyboards (Hybris (Esp), Heyzer (Esp), Schwarzwald (Esp))
Former / Past Members
Quint Starkie - Guitars (Tommy Tysper And The Kids, So What (guest))

Joakim "Jocke J.J." Marsh - Guitars (Spellbound, Glenn Hughes, Hughes/Turner, Bridge To Mars, Phenomena, Frog, Albatross)

Björn-Erik Melander - Bass (Gotham City, Mogg, Neptune, Glory North, Anthony & Melander (US), Hungry Heart (US), Bernie/Melander, Liar's Dice (US))

Peter Lundgren - Drums (Destiny, 7th Planet, Immortal, Cherokee)

Håkan Sten - Keyboards
Marc Quee was born in Sweden where he recorded two solo singles together with Björn-Erik Melander (Gotham City, Neptune, Mogg, Glory North etc), Quint Starkie (Tommy Tysper & The Kids), Peter Lundgren (Destiny, Cherokee etc) & Håkan Sten. A full-lenght album was recorded in 1990 with Joakim "Jocke J.J." Marsh (Spellbound, Glenn Hughes, etc) on guitars, but it was sadly never released. Marc later tried out for Talisman and recorded a demo, but it didn't work out. He later moved back to France to join Attentat Rock (which he previosly had recorded the album 'Strike, 1985' with). Marc have also been in Pink Rose (ex-Attentat Rock) and the German band VIVA. Today he lives in Spain.
French people discovered you with the 3d Attentat Rock album. But can you present youself, how old are you , where do yo come from , what did you do before Attentat Rock, ...?
I'm 33 years old,but at the time I joined Attentat Rock I was 19. My roots are in Argentina,but I grew up in Sweden,which is where I started my musical carreer at the age of 15.

"Strike", the 3d Attentat rock, was the first heavy metal record made by a french band with a "foreign" & professional singer. Can you tell us how you met the band & why you become their singer?
My father has lived in Paris since 1973, and I have 3 French sisters, so I used to spend my summer holidays with them. On such an occasion,in the summer of 84 to be more precise,I read an add in Enfer Magazine,which by the way was an excellent mag,that H-Bomb was looking for a singer.I phoned them up and got an audition.I had translated a couple of their songs to English and they liked what they heard.However,their recordcompany,wanted them to continue to sing in French so it didn't work out between us. Instead,they put me in contact with Attentat Rock,who had gone separate ways with Didier Rochette,and were looking for an "English" singer.And as they say the rest is history...

By now, what do you think of "Strike"?
Everytime I listen to it,which is not very often,it brings back lots of memories.We were so young and had so many dreams.I didn't participate in any of the music-writing,but I wrote all the lyrics.For me,at 19,it was a great experience to go from a "garage" in Sweden to the Maunoir Studios in Switzerland.I think the album would have benefitted by a better production.Compared to other albums,that were released at the same time it sounds a little weak,but the energy and enthusiasm are there.

After this album, Attentat Rock splitted up & all the band except guitar player, Hervé Raynal, decided to continue with a more melodic band called Pink Rose. Can you explain this split & what you try to do with Pink Rose?
We didn't really split up.Herve left the band and was replaced by Stephane Bonneau,from Satan Jokers. At the time of going into the studio,to record the 4th Attentat Rock album,we felt that our style of music and image had changed so much it didn't fit in with the name Attentat Rock.Besides,we thought it would be better to have a more international name,so we opted for Pink Rose,which was what we initially were going to call the album.Stephane left us in the middle of the recording sessions,so instead of a 5-piece we turned into 4-piece.

"Just what you needed" has got quite the same sound than "Strike" but with a lower guitar. & i'm sure that songs like "Across the 7th seas" could have feature in another Attentat Rock album. Don' t you think?
Just like I said,it was supposed to be an album by Attentat Rock,so obviously it had to sound a bit like AR.At that time,we were influenced by a lot of melodic bands,so we wanted to have a more keyboard oriented sound,which is probably why the guitars are lower than on Strike.

After this debut album, Pink Rose splitted up too. Why? & then, what did you do? Can you talk us more about your past projects before today?
I went back to Sweden and sang with several bands,till I joined German band VIVA. I stayed with them for a year,but all we did was demos .Back in Sweden,I started to work on a solo-project.I managed to get a record deal with a small company and released 2 singles.I even recorded an album,which was never released.At that time I started to get fed up with the music scene in Sweden and decided to move to Tenerife,in the Canary Islands,and try to establish myself as a cabaret singer.

And now, are you still in the musical business? What are your new projects? What are your new recordings & your upcoming ones?
I must admit that I don't have a lot of projects...For the past 7 years I've been entertaining tourists, here in Tenerife,doing a Tribute to "Freddie Mercury Show".I do over 3.000 shows(yes 3.000) & about 500 per year,which gives me a nice income.It's not what I dreamt of,staying in front of a mirror in full KISS make-up when I was a teenager,but I still do what I do best.

When you look at your french carreer. What does you & the band lack to become more & more famous & to have a huge success?
It's a difficult question to answer....I suppose it's not easy,being a French band,to have international success.I mean,look at many french bands have really made it big?

Do you still have some contacts with french bands of the 80's or with nowadays band?
Since I'm living apart from where the action really is going,I don't have any contact with any bands.Isometimes phone up Pierre,or Fabrice,but it's not very often.Besides,I haven't seen Pierre for 12 years,since I left Pink Rose.I've seen the others a couple of times,but it's many years ago now.

As a singer, you were a really good one, with a voice that really suits to heavy metal music. Did you take some lessons when you were young & starting your musical carreer?
Thank you very much!Well,you should hear me now:-)As a youngster I wanted to become an athlete I was really into all kinds of sports,and I knew it took a lot of training and effort to become a pro. Later,when I got involved with music,I took the same approach as I had done with sports.I took lessons with various teachers and practiced many hours a day.I wasn't a "natural",I had to work very hard to achieve what I've done.

What sort of advices can you give to young melodic singer?
Take care of your body and health,'cause that's your instrument.Get a good teacher,who understands what you're after,and suits you.And last,but not least,practice as much as you can!

A last word?
I would like to say hello to all the fans of Attentat Rock and Pink Rose,I know there were many and thank you,Laurent,for making this interview which I enjoyed every minute of!

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